Collider Returns to the Sundance Film Festival Through the Rendezvous Cinema Center

Collider Returns to the Sundance Film Festival Through the Rendezvous Cinema Center

"The Sundance Film Festival is fast approaching, and we are excited to announce that Collider is once again partnering with Roxstar Entertainment's annual Cinema Center to make our Interview Studio a part of the three-day hospitality hub during America's biggest indie festival. This year, the program will go under a new name, the Rendezvous Cinema Center, to reflect a new sponsor in Rendezvous Media Ventures, a branch of an upstart hedge fund dedicated to spearheading innovations in entertainment financing for filmmakers. However, a new title doesn't change what the hub is all about - hosting the top films and the talent behind them while providing refreshments through their various sponsors, including Sommsation, The Wine Company, Hendrick’s Gin, and neaū water. Collider will be conducting a boatload of interviews with the biggest stars at the center, which will take over Main Street Park City's new restaurant, Loma Park City, from January 25 through 27.


.... read the full article on collider at the link here

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